Sponsor Someone
What does it mean to be a Sponsor?
To be a Sponsor means that you will SERVE your candidate as a mentor, model, guide, witness, and friend. Your challenge as a sponsor is to continually deepen your own faith and understanding of the vision of DeColores and put into practice all that you believe so that your daily life will be an inspiration to your candidate. Encourage your candidate and support them before, during, and after the weekend. Please review the Registration Checklist & Sponsor Duties and Responsibilities Checklist to understand the commitment you are undertaking before you sponsor someone.
Candidates may register online or by mail.
1: Download, & read the Registration Checklist & Sponsor's Duties & Responsibilities Checklist.
2: Download and print the Northern Michigan DeColores Registration form and give Page 1 to the candidate to fill out & return to you. (There is a new version with the current Registrar Kristal Hitchcock's information on it, so please DO NOT USE THE OLD VERSION.)
3: You fill out the Sponsor's section on Page 2.
4: Mail the completed registration form to the registrar (address is on the bottom) along with the $15 Sponsor's Fee (includes $5 for the candle). (Check payable to N. M. DeColores Ministries)
1: Download, & read the Registration Checklist & Sponsor's Duties & Responsibilities Checklist.
2: Have the candidate fill out & submit the Candidate Online Registration Form (also found on the Register page)
3: You fill out and submit the Sponsor's Online Registration Form below.
Both parts are required for a complete Registration.
4: Pay the registration fee:
Use the link below to pay online (Includes $1 service fee)
Mail $15 to:
DeColores Registration
c/o Kristal Hitchcock
3573 Dock Rd
Williamsburg MI 49690
Include the candidate's name on the memo line so your payment can be matched up.
To be a Sponsor means that you will SERVE your candidate as a mentor, model, guide, witness, and friend. Your challenge as a sponsor is to continually deepen your own faith and understanding of the vision of DeColores and put into practice all that you believe so that your daily life will be an inspiration to your candidate. Encourage your candidate and support them before, during, and after the weekend. Please review the Registration Checklist & Sponsor Duties and Responsibilities Checklist to understand the commitment you are undertaking before you sponsor someone.
Candidates may register online or by mail.
1: Download, & read the Registration Checklist & Sponsor's Duties & Responsibilities Checklist.
2: Download and print the Northern Michigan DeColores Registration form and give Page 1 to the candidate to fill out & return to you. (There is a new version with the current Registrar Kristal Hitchcock's information on it, so please DO NOT USE THE OLD VERSION.)
3: You fill out the Sponsor's section on Page 2.
4: Mail the completed registration form to the registrar (address is on the bottom) along with the $15 Sponsor's Fee (includes $5 for the candle). (Check payable to N. M. DeColores Ministries)
1: Download, & read the Registration Checklist & Sponsor's Duties & Responsibilities Checklist.
2: Have the candidate fill out & submit the Candidate Online Registration Form (also found on the Register page)
3: You fill out and submit the Sponsor's Online Registration Form below.
Both parts are required for a complete Registration.
4: Pay the registration fee:
Use the link below to pay online (Includes $1 service fee)
Mail $15 to:
DeColores Registration
c/o Kristal Hitchcock
3573 Dock Rd
Williamsburg MI 49690
Include the candidate's name on the memo line so your payment can be matched up.
Sponsor's Fee
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